Dec 05, 2023
In case you don't know this crazy story of how I simplified and scaled my business to 40k+ months or if you’re new to my world, I want to share with you my story of how this all started.
Several years ago, I was going through a quite difficult divorce with my ex-husband and I became a single mom to my beautiful daughter, India.
I started to have her 100% of the time and as I was going through this difficult time in my life, I was also scaling my startup.
One day, I was running late as usual, and was running to India’s daycare to pick her up. As I entered the room she was in, I saw that she was the only child left. Her face completely lit up when she saw me, and my heart broke.
I realised at that moment, she was usually the first one at daycare and the last one out.
I can’t start to describe the guilt, the pain and the shame I experienced in that moment and the deep, deep sorrow that I felt - that I was losing out on my daughter because I was so busy scaling my business.
She was growing up and I was missing it because I was so busy building my business - building it with the idea of supporting us, our lifestyle and her future.
But what I was really doing was losing out on her.
I made a decision there and then that NOTHING - and I mean nothing - was worth it for me to lose out on my daughter like this.
No amount of money. No opportunities. NOTHING.
She is the most important person in my life, and what she needs is my time, my attention and my love more than anything else.
At the time, I was a CEO of a startup that I had founded a few years earlier, and we had recently received an investment, which we were using to scale the business.
It meant we were hiring more people, and there was so much pressure to live up to our big, bold goals.
I was a firm believer in hard work and that eventually it would pay off.
I had spent most of my life working long hours, sacrificing my personal life, while building multiple businesses (9 now in total).
But all this changed that day at the daycare center, when I realised I couldn’t go on like this.
I made a decision that from now on, I would build my business around my life and NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. I sat down and decided the following: I would leave my startup.
It was heartbreaking. I felt horrible and guilty as it was my other baby.
But as a single mom to India, I couldn’t do both at the time.
It turned out to be the best decision of my life, as shortly afterwards I started my current mentorship business.
When I started, I honoured the decision that this time, my business would be built around my life and not the other way around.
I decided on the following:
- I would have ample space to honour myself and my time with India
- I would do what I loved and be lavishly paid for that
- I would simplify the crap out of my business and ENJOY it
- I would take plenty of time off each year and keep it simple.
And like I say, this has been the best decision of my life.
It has resulted in a multiple 6-figure business, in which I’m making 40k+ per month, have an ultra-spacious agenda, and am working with clients I absolutely love.
I’ve simplified and optimised my business so it fully supports me, and backs up my own brilliance.
- My business is a very simple business model that is super scalable.
- My business has 2 offers: one which is my labour of LOVE which is my Simplify + Scale Mastermind. It is an ultra- intimate experience where I help my clients make their magic wildly profitable, and reach 20-50k months. The other is my small bite which is called Simplify + Scale Accelerator where I help clients go to 10k+ months and create a solid, repeatable business.
- I have a simple repeatable client attraction strategy that feels easy peasy and is aligned with me. Mostly built on relationship-selling that works like magic
- I automate, bulk, and optimise the rest.
This allows me to be who I love to be, and have plenty of time to be with India.
I’m committed to helping other entrepreneurs transform their lives like this too - to help them earn more and do less, and be paid well doing what they love to do.