This changed everything for me
Nov 13, 2024
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got is to become your own best client.
Implement and embody your own teachings and ultimately be your own source of power & security.
In a very noisy online world, it's easy to get distracted and chase one magic bullet after another.
This gives away your power and, in my humble opinion, rarely works.
Because you're the source of your own results.
The answer is always internal; it always starts first with identity, then frequency, and then strategy.
A plan is important (mainly to remind us, as we tend to forget) and also to ensure you take action.
In this exact order.
If you're ready to embody this, I invite you to your new era, where you take back your power: The Queen Era. It's my 4-Day Free Challenge. You can join the QUEEN ERA HERE
I want to share with you my biggest lessons from 21 years of business and running 9 businesses, in no particular order.
- You are the source of your own results
This means you're the creator and much more powerful than you think. Whenever you experience a breakdown, hardship, or slow results, ask yourself: what part of me is tolerating this, and what part of me doesn't want this? You can uncreate as easily as you can create.
This is why it's always identity first. And this is a decision.
Who you are while you move is what creates the results. Everything is identity.
I stumble on this again and again, and every time I CLAIM my power, results change instantly.
This is why I have now CLAIMED my new era: The Queen Era, and invite you to join me. JOIN HERE FOR FREE.
- What you focus on expands
If you focus on what you desire, you will see more of that.
If you focus on your worries, you will see more of that.
In other words, you're either in alignment with your power or not. Worries are usually simply unmet desires, yet we take them so literally and spiral downward.
All we have to do is say, "Thank you for showing me this; is this ultimately true?" Then ask yourself, "What is my unmet need?"
Ah, sold-out offers. Great. From here, shift your focus to the desire for sold-out offers and how it feels to serve your clients.
This brings me to the next point.
- All your business results are in the service frequency
When you focus on high-quality service, adding value, and serving your audience, buyers, and clients while staying in your power, embodying high standards and boundaries (walking your talk), the universe will serve you.
Have you noticed when you're with clients, you feel powerful and potent? It's because you're in service, focusing on them.
If you move the client experience forward and do the same for your audience and buyers, people will be magnetized to you and will buy from you because you're showing up from a place of service (not people-pleasing, which is ultimately about "what's in it for me") but from a place of giving and pleasure.
When you focus on the results and money, you got a problem. When you focus on the desires, experience and the actions, results always follow
- Sold-out offers happen effortlessly in The Buyer Paradigm
When you shift from SELLING and stop showing up on social media with the energy of "look at me," seeking validation, or wondering, "What do I need to say now to sell this?" and instead craft an exquisite buyer experience, adding value, having fun with your content and online presence, and trusting that the right people will binge your content and opt into your sales systems (whether a low-ticket taster menu, commenting on your content, DMing you, or registering for your masterclasses), all your offers sell out.
You will stand out with your energy and frequency because you tap into the buyer frequency. GAME CHANGER.
- Having a Sales System to Convert Dream Clients on Repeat is a Must for Reliable Income
You're running a business to serve clients and create financial freedom for yourself and your family.
Until you have a sales system in place (I teach 3 inside my programs), you're the sales system, and this is exhausting. Reliable income is essential so you can start moving from desires and pleasure instead of need and pressure.
- You're either a human magnet or repellent.
When you move from pressure and need, seeking validation and focusing on the results, you repel clients and money with your energy and frequency.
When you move from pleasure and desire, focusing on service and having fun, you become a magnet for money and clients.
The biggest revenue months are when you are in the pleasure and service frequency. It's never about working harder or adding more pressure. More need does not equal more money. NEVER.
- 80/20% rule
I've tried and tested this rule repeatedly.
80% of your results come from your identity and frequency, and 20% from your strategy and action.
80% of your results come from 20% of your actions, and 20% from the other 80%.
So, double down on the things that matter and ditch the rest.
- Money is masculine energy
This means it doesn't respond to need but to desires. When we try to control, nag, beg for, push, or chase it, we simply push it away. Men don't respond well to desperation or negativity; it turns them off. Money is the same. To attract money (not chase it), you need to step into your own certainty and power.
Want to work with me further, let's have a call. Book one here: