5 Core Lessons That Will Double Your Revenue

Jul 19, 2024

5 lessons I wish I had known sooner than I did (and If you implement this, it will double your revenue in 1-2 months)

Now is the perfect time to tweak this.

1️⃣ Separate your business from YOU and make it non-negotiable. If you’re a parent, you’re a parent, whether you feel like it or not. Similarly, you’re a business owner whether you feel like it or not.

While it’s so important to take care of yourself, your well-being, and your energy, and to heal wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs, don’t use that as an excuse to not do your business and stay in the endless “excuse” of why you don’t have the revenue you want.

Don’t mix up worthiness, deserving, etc. with making money. You can work on yourself AND make money.

2️⃣ You’ve got to make revenue non-negotiable in your business and make it standard. Be the CEO of your business and act like you would if you were a CEO of another person’s business or if you had staff.

You couldn’t just say to the owner of the business, “Oh sorry, I wasn’t feeling great, so we didn’t do client attraction this month,” or to your employees, “Oh sorry, I can’t pay your salary, I’m having upper limit problems and old patterns that I had to attend to.”

3️⃣ Stop selling, you know it feels off in your body, and instead lean into the Buyer’s Paradigm. When you work with buyer experience, the energy shifts. You start showing up as the same version of you as you do with clients, and buyers can’t resist you.

4️⃣ Take full responsibility for your buyer experience and stay on top of it. EVERY WEEK.

This is your number one priority. Make sure you’ve got enough buyers, potential clients, and a world-class experience for your buyers, clients, and yourself. Experiences matters, for you as well.

This also means having sales systems that convert clients inside all of your offers (one of the core things I teach).

5️⃣ Get laser clear on your needle movers and focus solely on what matters (and ruthlessly ditch the rest).

When you know what you should focus on, make sure to create systems that back up your brilliance so you have ample white space in your calendar to be the best version of you and for those creative nudges that create insane revenue.

Less is more, and slowing down to speed up is REAL.

Hustling is old school.

Inside my 2-Day Challenge next week, I show you how to get clear on your desires and the experiences you want inside of your business so you can get clear on the needle movers and start focusing on what matters. This is how we double and triple our revenue and get insane results while having a blast inside of our business.

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